Keywords: management, transport, pollution assessment, transport flow, project, modeling of pollution fields


Introduction. In the conditions of rapid urbanization, the share of people living in megacities is growing. Urban development creates its own microclimate and its own unique circulation of air masses. Road transport is the biggest polluter of the city, the number of which is growing over the years, especially in the current environment, when it has become more accessible. As a result, its impact on human health is becoming more tangible. Urban canyons are the main functional unit of the metropolis. The study of the impact of urban canyons on the ecological situation in the conditions of dense construction of the metropolis is an extremely urgent task. Simulation divergent wind fields in urban areas is an extremely difficult task, because the structure of urban development is uneven. In this regard, the architectural planning urban piece was presented a set of elementary fragments – street canyons with appropriate spatial and geometric characteristics. The practical significance of the results is to understand the future state of the environment in urban canyons. Purpose. The aim of the work is to model and quickly assess the concentration of pollutants in street canyons in the projects of environmental management of the metropolis. Results. Based on the recommended model, the air dynamics of the level of the transport level of the atmosphere by the main flows, the concentration of the period of the day, the amount of pollutants reaches a critical level, exceeding the maximum allowable values. Conclusions. The proposed model will allow to model the level of pollution of street canyons of cities, as well as to determine the critical values of traffic intensities at which the concentration of pollutants will exceed the maximum allowable values. The obtained results can be used to build a forecast of daily pollution of roadside ecosystems and management of the ecological state of the metropolis.


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How to Cite
Bakulich, O., Samoylenko, E., & Holodenko, V. (2022). MODELING OF LEVEL OF POLLUTION OF CANYONS DURING MANAGEMENT OF THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITION OF THE MEGAPOLIS. Transport Development, (4(11), 7-15.