Introduction. Improving the efficiency of port railways depends on the use of information space, which combines the activities of specialized communications for their maintenance. The purpose of the paper is the practical application of a synergistic approach to the development of new information support for ship load based on the principles of railway and port activities synchronization. The research methodology is based on the scientific provisions of systems analysis, object-oriented programming and previous studies of the authors on the transport and technological systems of port railways and specialized information systems design for their maintenance. The problematic issues of cargo turnover on port railways, in particular, related to the shortcomings of information systems, are analyzed as well as the ways to solve them are determined. The rail and water transport interaction is presented in the form of a graphical model of a synergetic approach to common information space. The model provides an idea of the synchronization principles for the coordination of railway and port services. The program of measures for increase of cargo operations efficiency by introducing the new organizational decisions on information support is made, their situational analysis is executed. The project of the modular structure information system working in administrator and user modes is developed. To create the database Java programming language was used. The results of the study are tested on a virtual model and can be applied in the modern practice of stevedoring and logistics companies. Conclusions: using a synergetic approach, the interrelation of organizational, economic and operational components of ship loading at port railways with the new information support development for improving the organizational processes efficiency. The developed program of measures and situational analysis of organizational and technical solutions of information support for loading ships on port railways is of considerable practical significance.
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