Road trains that nowadays are used for international freight transport include a wide range of automotive equipment, which is constantly updated, and for which a number of requirements (resource conservation, environmental friendliness, fuel economy, etc.) are put forward. When justifying the renewal of the fleet of road trains it is necessary to take into account the great variety of their design parameters and a wide range of road conditions. Besides, the very capital-intensive, science-intensive process of park renewal must correspond to the conceptual idea of innovative and operational-technological energy and resource saving (IIOTERS) in motor transport. Existing methods of efficiency analysis and rolling stock selection, which are used to solve the problems of international road transport, do not provide technological and innovative projects of transport processes and do not meet the concept of IIOTERS because they are based on calculation schemes of virtual transportation of goods and passengers. In addition, these schemes take into account intangible meters of transportation results – ton-kilometer or passenger-kilometer. Therefore, to overcome these fundamental shortcomings of the theory of road transport and in order to provide a conceptual approach to the renewal of the fleet of trains used principles, calculation schemes and mathematical models of the theory of energy efficiency of the generalized type and technological processes of road transport (TEEGTTPRT) was designed by Department of Transport Technologies of the National Transport University. The article shows the results of modeling and analysis of the impact of changes in some constructive parameters of the road train as a resource and technical means of transport production on its transport energy efficiency, as well as the prospects of practical implementation of the conceptual idea of innovative and operationaltechnological energy and resource saving (IIOTERS), which can be used to justify the renewal of rolling stock.
The aim of the work is to present the results of modeling and obtain quantitative
characteristics of the impact of changes in some constructive parameters of the road
train on the indicator of its transport energy efficiency.
The results of the article can be implemented in international transport companies
that engaged in the transportation of goods.
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