The article analyzes the essence of the complex optimization method, provides algorithm determining optimal geometry of the tool, cutting modes and tool path. It provides experimental confirmation of the mathematical model correctness. The article focuses on creation of methodology for automated optimal milling mode calculation for curved surfaces on CNC machines, which accounts for different cutting conditions maximizing productivity or minimizing processing cost. Developed technique is used by the industry as automated calculation of the optimal surface milling modes using end mills. Research results application increased productivity of components processing on CNC milling machines, improved processing accuracy, and reduced control programs debugging time. The complex optimization method is optimal from the computations’ duration standpoint; it allows finding the global extremum of a function based on the combined use of structural and parametric optimization methods when solving a nonlinear programming problem. Application of the proposed method enables obtaining optimal cutting conditions from available values on a metal-cutting machine, constructing optimal trajectory of the cutting tool in a complex geometric contour, choosing optimal roughing and finishing cutters and their sharpening radii. Use of proposed algorithm to choose cutting tool and determine optimal processing based on minimized processing duration on machines with NPC increases overall manufacturing productivity by 10–15% on average.
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