Introduction. The success of infrastructure measures is determined by the success of the relevant projects: even extremely timely and necessary measures may not be brought to a logical conclusion or may not ensure the desired result if the management of the relevant infrastructure projects is not carried out properly. Therefore, to ensure the success and effectiveness of this category of projects requires an appropriate theoretical basis to support management processes. The foundation of this theoretical basis should be identified nature and specificity of the infrastructure projects on water transport, as this determines the specifics of the management processes of these projects. The purpose of this study is to identify the main types of infrastructure projects on the water transport and establish their specificity as a basis for the models and methods of an effective project management. Results. This study identifies the nature and specifics of infrastructure projects on water transport. The logical chain of influence of a condition and parameters of the infrastructure on various parameters of transport service and competitiveness of transport system of the country has been defined. Thus, the state of the infrastructure determines the safety of navigation, forms restrictions on the ships size, as well as sets the time of the ship’s voyage and cargo delivery. The development of water transport infrastructure is a necessary factor in increasing the competitiveness of ports and the efficiency of sea and river transport. The development of technology and the activities of international organizations lead to higher requirements for the safety of navigation, which also affects the requirements for infrastructure. In addition, water transport infrastructure is subject not only to “moral” aging, but also to natural “wear and tear”, and to a greater extent than in other transports. This is due to the “aggressiveness” of the aquatic environment and natural processes. The main types of infrastructure projects on water transport are established: modernization of facilities; replacement of objects; restoration of objects; development of existing facilities; creation of the new objects. The products of infrastructure projects are defined as infrastructure objects that are either created or changed (restoration, replacement, modernization, development). The goals and mission of this category of projects are set as well. Conclusions. The obtained results form the basis for the further development of models and methods of infrastructure project management on water transport.
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