Introduction. Crossroads at one level always are high risk areas that are why traffic accidents there happen more frequently. During crossroads designing it is not always possible properly predict traffic intensity on it, besides, value of the traffic intensity changes with the time of crossroad exploitation. Therefore it has direct influence on driving safety and bandwidth of this crossroad. A purpose is driving safety increasing at unregulated crossroads of equal roads, during traffic organization change. Results. The task of researches was existent crossroad of roads Р41 and Р39 improving, where traffic accidents happen more frequently as usual. To achieve that purpose traffic intensity observation by standard methods was performed. As a result of observation statistic data analysis cartograms of traffic intensity for the corresponding periods of peak intensities were built. Coefficient of traffic intensity non-uniformity during the day was determined. Evaluation of relative traffic safety during driving on road section with examined crossroad was conducted based on the final accident rate. For crossroad of equal roads of P41 and P39 scheme of conflict points was built. Due to accident rate which is taken to 107 vehicles that cross this crossroad, degree of this crossroad danger was determined. In the article it is proposed to change the organization of traffic at this crossroad by applying the scheme of circular driving. For new driving scheme on current crossroad analysis of probable traffic accident was conducted, and we determined that traffic accident occurrence possibility significant reduced. Conclusions. Due to results of base scheme crossroad research it is determine that the final accident rate for current road section (crossroad) is 65.3 which mean it is “very dangerous”. Such coefficient value for road section which is passes through crossroad of equal roads indicates to change the traffic organization. From the calculation of the accident rate ( Ka = 24,5 ) that taken to 107 vehicles that pass this crossroad the degree of this crossroad danger set on “very dangerous”. So results of researches indicate that section where crossroad of roads Р41 and Р39 is requiring changes in traffic organization through its redevelopment. Proposed scheme with circular driving on crossroad is propose has positive effect: the number of conflict points reduced from 32 to 20; accident rate which is taken to 107 vehicles which pass current crossroad is Ka = 5,92 . With such conditions this crossroad is considered “little dangerous”.
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