• O.Y. Nesterov Azov Maritime Institute of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • Y.V. Zagorodnia Azov Maritime Institute of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
  • S.M. Perepechaev Azov Maritime Institute of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”
Keywords: safety of navigation, ice conditions, sea transport, ice river, Sea of Azov


Introduction. The article considers modern problems of navigation safety, and also solves questions of safety of navigation which are directed on comprehensive preparation of the vessel and crew for navigation in ice conditions; features of hydrometeorological conditions of navigation through the channels of the Sea of Azov and conditions of occurrence of such natural phenomenon as “ice river”. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the safety of navigation, as well as to identify possible causes of the “ice river”, for further research and development of appropriate measures to ensure the safety of navigation in the navigable canals of the Sea of Azov in ice conditions. As well as creating a standard system to ensure safe navigation of ships. The standard of the system should not only ensure safe navigation, but also facilitate the task of monitoring the readiness of the vessel to go to sea. Results. The attention of global maritime organizations, including the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Coast Guard of Developed Maritime States, charterers’ associations, shipowners, classification societies and leading shipping companies, is focused on enhancing maritime safety controls. The practice of navigation through the canals of the Sea of Azov indicates the difficulty of navigation by hydrometeorological conditions in this area. One such factor is the emergence of a natural phenomenon called the “ice river”. The authors make assumptions about the cause of the “ice river”. Conclusions. Thus, the problems of navigation safety must be solved in a complex; taking into account the ice complications encountered in the areas of navigation, in order to prevent accidents and improve the safety of navigation. The possible causes of the “ice river” in the navigable canals of the shallow Sea of Azov require further theoretical and experimental research to develop measures to ensure the safety of navigation in the ice environment in this region.


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How to Cite
Nesterov, O., Zagorodnia, Y., & Perepechaev, S. (2021). SAFETY OF NAVIGATION ALLOWING FOR THE ICE CONDITIONS. Transport Development, (1(8), 70-77.