• O.H. Kharchuk State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • N.H. Byshevets National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
Keywords: service, quality of service, transport, service, passenger transportation, quality indicators


Introduction. In many works it was determined that the involvement of passengers in a particular mode of transport depends on the range of services provided by them, so in rail transport much attention is paid to improving the quality of passenger service and their variety. Purpose. This article reveals the essence of the concepts of service in the field of passenger transportation, service and quality, types of service in the field of passenger transportation, namely: meeting consumer demand for basic services, providing services accompanying the main service, after-sales service, information service and financial services providing all kinds of payment options for the main service, a system of discounts and benefits. Also disclosed quality indicators that affect the interests of passengers – are the level of information support, completeness of demand – comfort of service at all stages of transportation, speed, timeliness of luggage or baggage, its safety, security at stations and trains, etc.; passenger comfort on the road; comfort indicators – the range and quality of relevant services in the preliminary and daily cash desks, help desks, in trains, etc.; convenience of stay of the passenger in station complexes; ways and convenience of purchasing travel documents; indicators of speed and timeliness; safety indicators of transport services; indicators of safety of life and property of passengers during the trip and stay at the stations; indicators of reliability of operation of vehicles and indicators of professional suitability of personnel providing transport services. Results. It was determined that in the field of passenger transport there are different types of service and considered the quality indicators on which depends the choice of mode of transport and satisfaction of the interests of passengers on rail transport. Conclusions. This article defines that the quality of passenger service is the main task of management to improve the transportation process and one of the main factors that are taken into account when determining the effectiveness of the passenger complex of railway transport.


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How to Cite
Kharchuk, O., & Byshevets, N. (2021). QUALITY OF PASSENGER SERVICE ON RAILWAY TRANSPORT. Transport Development, (1(8), 26-34. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2021.1-8.03